‘I’ll do it my way.’ How can we support students through transition…their way?

Moving from a tumultuous school year into weeks of holidays; from
holidays into a new school year; from one education setting to the next;
or into the big wide world. These seasons are not unexpected but our
emotional responses to them as we anticipate, prepare for and
experience them, can catch us by surprise.

This is not to say that our emotional responses are always negative ones,
in fact often we may be surprised to experience positive emotions in the
face of change and challenge.

The picture featured here provides such wonderful imagery, capturing
individual approaches to transition. Jumping energetically from one step
in the journey to the next; a time for a fresh start and reinvention of self.  Or tip-toeing cautiously, perhaps with fear and trepidation; feeling off
balance. Or taking one measured step at a time; being led by some and
supported by others. And, of course, a full spectrum of approaches in

The range of responses and unexpected nature of some of them poses a
challenge to traditional school transition processes. While plans and
processes can be put in place, there is a need to be responsive in real time to the needs of students as they transition to or from the many stages of a school year or school setting.

Caring adults within the school environment are critical for the
wellbeing of students and their sense of belonging. Time and access to
these adults when challenges present themselves can present an issue.
Many and varied connections with students across the school can
provide another important protective layer during any transition process.

The Peer Support Program not only provides explicit skills and strategies to navigate change and emotional responses but helps students to
establish these critical and meaningful connections and a corporate
responsibility for one another.