Book an SRC workshop

Book an SRC workshop

Our online SRC workshop empowers SRC coordinators to build and sustain an impactful and effective Student Representative Council.

Extensive research highlights the positive impacts of student engagement and voice, from wellbeing to academic achievements.

Our approach helps teachers equip student representatives with leadership skills to influence policies, drive actions, and foster civic engagement in both school and the wider community.

Jump to next available dates.

book an src workshop

The SRC workshop covers:

  • The importance of enabling student voice and agency in creating a safe, supportive and flourishing school culture.
  • Concepts of democracy and the democratic process to gain a deeper understanding of governance within the school.
  • Factors contributing to a positive school culture, fostering a conducive learning environment.
  • Ways to develop a holistic school-wide approach to SRC, integrating connections to the curriculum and student wellbeing.
  • Strategies for organising and sustaining skills-based leadership opportunities within the school.
  • Various leadership structures within the school context.
  • Developing an action plan to support you and your students in building and refreshing your school’s SRC.

Participants are also provided with a digital copy of our SRC training resource that you can use to train your SRC members, following the workshop.

Next Available Dates

Book an SRC workshop

Wed 7 May 2025
Online 3:00pm - 5:00pm AEST