Join Peer Support
Running the Peer Support Program is simple. And the impact on your students and school culture will last for years to come.
Our training model builds capacity for your school to own and deliver the program. This is best practice for schools running external wellbeing programs.
Join as a new school and you will receive training for a coordinating teacher – your Peer Support Coordinator. This training gives three years accreditation to the trained teacher. We encourage additional teachers to join our training too, so Peer Support is embedded into your school culture.
Get unlimited access to our program resources
Our new school package also includes a 12-month licence to run the program and use our resources. You will have access to our full library of program resources.
Once you join Peer Support, your school will be invited to renew your licence annually. We will also let you know when your Peer Support Coordinator’s accreditation is due for renewal every three years.
Our Wellbeing Education Consultants provide ongoing support to member schools as needed.

Find out more about Peer Support
Get a copy of our digital info pack with everything you need to know about the Peer Support Program and our additional services.

Join Peer Support today
Ready to sign-up? Join today, and improve student wellbeing for years to come.
Register for an info session
Find out more about Peer Support at an upcoming webinar.
Get a digital info pack
Learn about our program, including how it works and the evidence for Peer Support.