Additional Services FAQs

Additional Services FAQs

Find quick answers to common questions about how Peer Support’s additional services to help boost student wellbeing and mental health at your school.

Yes. In addition to our flagship program and SRC training, we offer consultancy services to schools on student wellbeing. For our member schools, we also offer talks for teachers, schools and carers about the Peer Support program.

These talks cover the purpose and structure of Peer Support, along with details about specific modules like resilience, optimism, relationships, and anti-bullying. Parents and caregivers can discover how to support their children in building a strong foundation for mental health and overall well-being. Find out more about parent and carer talks.

Teacher talks cover various aspects of our program, including its core principles such as resilience, optimism, relationships, and anti-bullying. These talks aim to help schools understand how to reinforce Peer Support lessons among students, parents, carers, and staff. Additionally, we provide insights to Peer Leaders about the program and student leadership during our visits to member schools. These talks can be conducted either in person or online. Learn more about teacher or staff talks.

One of our expert consultants will visit your school and help your staff identify gaps and opportunities in your student wellbeing strategy. The workshop will identify actionable solutions for your school. Learn more about our school wide strategy consultations.