Teachers and students at Robertson Public School speak about how the Peer Support Program is building student relationships. The teachers and students talk about the importance of making and keeping friends, and the impact that this is having on their school culture.
Kristen Wilson, Assistant Principal: I’m Kristen Wilson and I’m the Assistant Principal at Robertson Public School. My favourite module that we teach is the Keeping Friends because it’s all about friendships. And in the primary school setting, quite often, will have little friendship issues in the playground, and children not really knowing how to speak to each other kindly. And in the primary school setting, before they go off to high school, I think it’s really important that they learn how to be a good friend and how to keep friends – learn how to deal with conflicts and overcome those situations. I think it’s really supported students who struggle to make friends. Every child feels like they’re part of the school and they can go up to anybody in the schools and have a relationship not just with somebody in their own Year, but with somebody in Year 6 or Year 5, and someone they can go to if they feel uncomfortable or lonely. They know they can go their Peer Support Leaders and get that support.
Taylor, Peer Support participant: Yes, I am learning how to make friends through the Peer Support group. Well, I have lots of friends but it’s helping me become a better friend. What I love about the Peer Support Program is it’s something a bit different, because usually we would get taught by teachers, but instead it’s Year 6 Leaders. And you get to become friends with people from different grades. When I see my Peer Support friends in the playground I go up and “hi” or give them a high five. Yes, I think it’s important to have lots of friends rather than just one, because it gives you someone to go to if you’re upset at school, rather than if your friend’s away or not at school that day. It gives you someone to go and talk to.
Ruby, Peer Support participant: What I love is that I get to spend some time with my friends and some of the Year 6s can be my friends. If some of my friends are away, or if they’re on an excursion at school, then I can be with other friends I know. Being a good friend, is like when you like be kind to other people who you know, as a friend – like being a kind friend and being nice to one another. And I learnt it in Peer Support.